Park Springs Neighborhood
		Association banner. Park is green; Springs is turquoise as are two
		parallel rows of waves PSNA volunteers at ManorFest 2007 raising funds to fight the landfill.

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Austin Energy's Solar Plant Relocation

On Nov. 30, 2010, Austin Energy held a special community meeting, sponsored by PSNA, to provide details concerning the relocation of its Solar Plant from the northern part of its 2,800 acre Webberville Tract to the southern part, near the Village of Webberville.

Scott Pryor, spokesman for Fotowatio Renewable Ventures (FRV), the contractor, gave a PowerPoint Presentation. Ed Clark and Roberto Delgado of Austin Energy participated in a Q&A session afterward.

The Engineer's summary letter dated November 4, 2010 to the Austin Planning and Development Review Department consists of four images: solar plant2, solar plant3, solar plant4, and solar plant5. It contains a summary of the project, watershed and drainage information, and environmental reviews.

Map showing eastern Travis Co. and general location of the 2,800 acre Webberville Tract.

On January 25, 2010 FRV sent us the most recent conceptual layout.

June 25, 2011 Panoramic view looking southeast from a hilltop above the solar plant.

panoramic view of the solar plant

July 14, 2011 The images below were provided to PSNA courtesy of Austin Energy.

Coiled cables under each panel will be connected after installation of all panels is completed.rows of panels to horizon solar panels viewed lengthwise

rows of solar panels single solar panel

lighted drills and truck perimeter fence and road around solar plant


Web design and maintenance by Sharon Bramblett. Web content provided by PSNA board chairman.

Updated July 14, 2011
© Park Springs Neighborhood Association 2006

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