Park Springs Neighborhood
		Association banner. Park is green; Springs is turquoise as are two
		parallel rows of waves PSNA volunteers at ManorFest 2007 raising funds to fight the landfill.

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Local Help Resources - send me those you'd like to have included.

Manor's Capital Metro express bus service

Manor Fire Department/ EMS #12 - 405 W. Parsons St., Manor Texas, 78653 512-272-4995

  • Call 911 to report fire, car wreck, or medical emergency. This station serves approx. 150 sq mi of northeast Travis County, including The City of Manor, The Village of Webberville, Littig, New Sweden, Decker Creek, and the US Highway 290 corridor. The Manor Fire Dept. has one station staffed 24hrs with a minimum crew of three.
  • Outdoor burning regulations. To request a controlled burn 512-272-4995
  • If you have a landline, you are automatically on the reverse 911 call list. If you do not have a landline, you may request that your cell phone be included in the Emergency Notification System Cellular Telephone Interface.
Travis County Sheriff - East Command

  • Non-emergency dispatch 974-0845 option # 3. Call this number when you plan to be away from home. A live person will take the required information over the phone and will give you a "close patrol" number.
  • Narcotics 854-7279 Sgt Walls
  • Intelligence Wayne Samson 512-854-6440

Manor Community News -

Manville Water  Supply Corporation

  • Report a water leak or questions about your bill. 1-888-856-2488

Bluebonnet Electric Coop

Want to see if construction near you has filed the proper permits? Set up an account at the direct link You may then enter an address to check permit status. This account link can also be accessed from the bottom of the Travis County Transportation and Natural Resources web page

East Metro Park- 8701 Blake Manor Rd., Manor, TX 78653

  • Fishing in two ponds, sand volleyball, basketball, tennis, 18 hole frisbee golf, shuffleboard, reserved sports facilities for baseball, football, and soccer, picnic areas, playscapes, 3 mile concrete trail, pavilion rental, concession stand rentals.

  • East Metro Swimming Pool is managed by the YMCA.

County Commissioner, Ron Davis 512-854-9111

Austin Resource Recovery Center - electronics, etc.

Household Hazardous Waste Facility - old paint, etc.

To report roadside trash, call 512-854-9383, Transportation & Natural Resources, or Sid Barker at 512-854-9721.

Request work orders to do a number of things, including road hazards, dead animal pickup, trash on the roadside, reporting signs down, inquiring about the status of road projects, etc. on Travis County roads only. 512-854-9433

LCRA's Hydromet map of local streams/creeks.


Web design and maintenance by Sharon Bramblett. Web content provided by PSNA board chairman. Updated February 21, 2016
© Park Springs Neighborhood Association 2006
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